An above average Taiwanese wedding party.
Due to my shortage of swedish standard keyboard i decided to wright in english. If there are any IG:ers reading; here's a link for you: .
Precisely one week ago i went to a Taiwanese wedding. Taiwanese weddings tend to be more costly than Swedish ones, but this was still a great exception. 80 tables of 5000 kr. Each. A schene with live music, huge displays showing wedding pictures of the couple, loads of waitreses, lighting of switching colours, a mechanic illuminated ramp, just made for the bride and groom and much much more. I was told that The resturand has been rented by Rotary the last years and that the costs of this period had been about 2/3 billion SEK. Insane!
After having my teacher signing the leaving paper i left school 2 hours earlier than usually. I went home and changed clothes. Fine black suit pants, skirt, my birthday tie, patent shoes a black jacket, hat and underwear with superman logo; this couldn't be cooler. There was no question about me being younger than 25. At the MRT to the wedding building i was asked for which company i was working.
I was early among 5 other exchange students. We were to practice, because we had a role as latern holders in this epic wedding. In traditional chinese satin clothes and special hats (tiaras for the girls) we went on the ramp before the ones to get married. In front of a big camera with a professional cameraman and lots of spectators we then stood and watched the coulple approach the stage. They walked through a headlighted gate of soap bubbles. Rose petals were thrown at them as they were walking hand in hand to the music of Canon played by synth guy and a Violinist on the stage. It was beautiful.
After followed a luxurious Taiwanese dinner party. The word gambei was repetedly said as the rotarians drank more and more. (Gambei literally means empty cup -taiwanese "down the hatch".)
It was a very intresting night.